Monday, July 20, 2009

A Silly Average Love Poem

When my heart drops and the world stops no words can describe
How nothing tops that bubbly feeling that i get inside
Your the last thing i think about at night and the feelings that i can't help but hide.

Our connection is a whild ride.
I don't know if its your smile The way it goes hand in hand with your laugh
You'll tell me about your dreams and how you love her
And ask me what to say to make her fall for you.
When that just did it right there.That right there.
Spent 13 years in this small town
When everything gets around pretty fast And you'll call me at night
To make sure that im all right,
Your voice secures me and it lasts and lasts
and lasts and lasts.

Im torn and two, should i be with you
is this what my heart's meant to do?
I can't decide, I've lost my mind
In one more second i'll be thru
beacuse this is a wild ride.

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