Thursday, December 17, 2009

You Might as Well Just End This Now Considering I Can Already See the Dead End Ahead.

Look at you, all fancy looking over there
admiring yourself with your pals.
Look at you, all sophisticated looking over there.
Too bad no one else really cares.

There's no point being proud of your style
if everyone else wears the same thing.
there's no point in thinking that you wear it better.
Considering it took 3 people to put it all together.

So what-what are we doing here?
It's like, running down on an up going escalator.
Its like when I'm going down the street with you.
whats the point of walking together if we're just going turn the other way.
What are we doing?

The end,
or at least, it should be.
this is going absolutely no where
the dead end is ahead, and my house is still down the road.
You go off back to your house, I'll go ahead, thanks for walking me home
but you're leaving in where i need you the most.
But oh well.

That's cool.
Yea, I'll call you.
and leave a message. because heaven forbid you pick up your phone.
and we'll make plans, but you're too busy
a sport here, a sport there.
I've got my teeth appointments and church when your available.

So lets just stop pretending
like some thing's gonna happen
because I'm telling you now that its not.
but okay.
why not.
I'll go hide the sign;"Dead End. Caution: Do Not Pass", and lets go throw it in the woods
If anyone asks, we never saw it before in our lives.
and then

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